MADINAH – Kluster Kesihatan Madinah melancarkan perkhidmatan skuter kecemasan baharu di Masjid Nabawi bagi membolehkan paramedik memberikan bantuan perubatan segera kepada pengunjung sepanjang Ramadan, lapor Agensi Akhbar Saudi (SPA) pada Sabtu.
Dengan beribu-ribu jemaah memenuhi halaman masjid, bergerak melalui orang ramai boleh mencabar pasukan perubatan. Skuter itu akan memudahkan mereka untuk “menavigasi kawasan sibuk, menangani kes kecemasan, dan memindahkan pesakit ke hospital dan pusat jagaan berdekatan jika perlu,” menurut SPA.
Sembilan puluh satu orang telah pun mendapat manfaat daripada perkhidmatan itu sejak dilancarkan, lapor SPA.
Semua mereka dirujuk ke kemudahan penjagaan kesihatan di kawasan pusat, termasuk Wakaf Kesihatan Al-Shifa, Hospital Kecemasan Haram, dan Pusat Penjagaan Segera Safiyyah dan Bab Jibreel.
Inisiatif baharu itu “mencerminkan usaha Kluster Kesihatan Madinah ke arah keselamatan dan kesejahteraan pengunjung,” kata SPA.
Medical scooters to help worshippers in Madinah

MADINAH – The Madinah Health Cluster has launched a new emergency scooter service at the Prophet’s Mosque to enable paramedics to provide quick medical assistance to visitors during Ramadan, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Saturday.
With thousands of worshippers filling the mosque’s courtyards, moving through the crowds can be challenging for medical teams. The scooters will make it easier for them to “navigate busy areas, attend to urgent cases, and transfer patients to nearby hospitals and care centers if needed,” according to the SPA.
Ninety-one people have already benefited from the service since its launch, the SPA reported. All of them were referred to healthcare facilities in the central area, including Al-Shifa Health Endowment, Haram Emergency Hospital, and the Safiyyah and Bab Jibreel Urgent Care Centers.
The new initiative “reflects the Madina Health Cluster’s efforts toward visitors’ safety and wellbeing,” the SPA stated.