MAKKAH – Pengakap muda Makkah di Persatuan Pengakap Arab Saudi menawarkan 11,800 jam secara sukarela sepanjang 10 hari pertama Ramadan.
Dengan kerjasama Jabatan Kementerian Pendidikan Makkah, kem khidmat jemaah haji persatuan itu mengerahkan 295 pengakap untuk membantu jemaah umrah di Makkah sepanjang Ramadan.
Ziyad Qadeer, ketua kem, berkata kem itu memainkan peranan penting dalam mempromosikan kesukarelawanan, patriotisme, dan imej positif pemuda Saudi, mengesahkan bahawa perkhidmatan mereka akan diteruskan sepanjang Ramadan.
Kem itu juga bekerjasama dengan Pihak Berkuasa Am bagi Penjagaan Hal Ehwal Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi, Kluster Kesihatan Makkah, dan Direktorat Am Keselamatan Awam.
AN, 12 Mac 2025
Saudi scouts volunteer 11,800 hours in first 10 days of Ramadan

MAKKAH – Makkah’s young scouts at the Saudi Arabian Scouts Association volunteered 11,800 hours during the first 10 days of Ramadan.
In collaboration with the Ministry of Education’s Makkah Department, the association’s pilgrim service camp deployed 295 scouts to assist Umrah performers in Makkah during Ramadan.
Ziyad Qadeer, the camp leader, said the camp plays a vital role in promoting volunteerism, patriotism, and a positive image of the Saudi youth, confirming that their services will continue throughout Ramadan.
The camp also collaborated with the General Authority for the Care of the Affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque, the Makkah Health Cluster, and the General Directorate of Public Security.
AN, 12 March 2025